Ramona Falls

I’ve been trying to do a lot more hiking for many reasons lately. For starters, just getting out of the house is important these days. A hike may be the best excuse for it. In addition hiking is one of the safest, most socially distant activities you can do right now. Albeit you do need to take a few precautions like having a nice mask you can put on and take off easily as well as be ready to move off of the trail whenever someone comes along.

So I looked around a bit and found a popular hike in the area that I had not tried. Ramona Falls is one that I had heard a lot about but hadn’t made it out to. So I made my way out East near the Mt. Hood National Forest, which is a spot that I haven’t gotten to hike a lot yet.

Ramona Falls is an excellent hike with one downside. Less than a mile in you have to cross the Sandy River over some logs. So while the hike is long and with a gentle slope, it’s not great for people without a decent amount of dexterity since you have to cross some logs on foot over a rather rapid river.

Other than that, is is a nice gentle hike that you can get a good pace going. It’s mostly shaded but I’d still recommend sunscreen. The terrain is very similar to the high sierras in California. Also you do need a Northwestern wilderness pass to park there.

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